Gregg has an impressive resume and a deep well of experience..
Gregg has spent 30 years on an odyssey of spiritual awakening and learning experiences, coupled with intense research into the areas of metaphysics, philosophy, spiritual healing and quantum mechanics.
His early background was in sports as an athlete in the 1980’s. County cricket and International GB Cyclist; Gregg was a member of the 1984 Olympic squad, National Cycling champion, multi medal national winner, and sports coach. Highly disciplined; Greggs focus was on competitive sports and winning..
Life suddenly changed for him dramatically in 1991 when he began to question ‘what is life about’?.
This question propelled Gregg to follow his own journey. His mission was to expand his consciousness and awareness..
This continued with a thirst for knowledge for the next 30 years. Studying personally with great names such as Robert Coon, the Immortalist Philosopher and author of Earth Chakras, The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail, The Art of Everlasting life and other great philosophical works. Gregg was eventually initiated by Robert Coon into the Atlantean Adepts Mystery School. He continued his learning with Shamanism in Hawaii and Sedona, NLP, Hypnotherapy and Cert in Counselling. He became known for his motivational speaking, spending three years at Hoar Cross Hall as counsellor with stress busting techniques, several articles about his work in this field were published In Hello Magazine..
Gregg is unique in that he has combined three areas and schools of thought, born of his own life experiences and research, these are sports discipline, business acumen and metaphysics. This creates a synergy that he can share with our Celebrants that gives valuable insights on how to ‘look at your business’. Along with this Greggs passion is to bring forward the Sacred Masculine, with emphasis on the Grail and masculine consciousness, combining this with the fascinating Simulation Hypothesis ( his own research and work ) as part of your training at SCA,
Gregg says “
I now feel it is time to share my results, insights of experiences , study and research in these challenging and transformational times, coming from a place of heart cantered love, compassion and non attachment so we may attain perfect manifestation.’’