Events & News

Yuletide Festive Newsletter
It’s been a very busy 2022 for us at SCA with upgrading our course content, introducing an internship programme, new training providers, a sister company providing work for you, and new courses. Exciting!
At SCA we are focused on expanding and giving you the very best training.
We’ve included an extra two days on the ‘Sacred Celebrant of Avalon’ training. A certificated online course as a 'Civil Sacred Celebrant' in Composition and Script Writing.

Adding Extra Course Content
At SCA we are constantly updating our award winning course content to give you the best skills in your career as a Sacred Celebrant. With this in mind we have now added two more days onto your seven days training as a Sacred Celebrant of Avalon, this is of course at no extra cost to you, we still keep our highly affordable prices and staged payment schemes, so that you can say YES! to your vocation as a Sacred Celebrant.

The Invocation of the Heart a Ceremonial Rite of Passage for Couples
Question: What happens on the etheric planes of this strange existence when one invokes the beloved to become present? We still know so very little of the unchartered landscapes of the human soul, especially when it comes to love, it’s all encompassing energies, capabilities and frequencies…

It’s now high summer and the union of Sun and Earth. August 1st is known as Lammas. Historically this date was our harvest festival, which many of us remember from our school days, when we were asked to bring into the assembly hall tinned and dried goods for sharing among those in need. I remember feeling a sense of wonder at the mound of food that grew in size each day and how a feeling of excitement and wellbeing was almost tangible among us. I feel it echoes somewhere in our genetic memory; a remembering of community, coming together and celebrating the first harvest of the farming cycle…

Coming Soon: The Priestess Ceremonialist of Avalon
Watch this space for our new course, The Priestess Ceremonialist…

The Passing Over Ceremony Online Course
As a Celebrant or Therapist this can be a wonderful service to add to your portfolio. When dealing with the death of a beloved family member or friend many people are at a loss as to how to process such a challenging life event.

A Metaphysical Look at Business
Hello everyone.
I'm Gregg Kinsell and this is my first blog for SCA, the first of many more. What a wonderful opportunity Sacred Celebrancy brings us! The chance to develop a whole new career…

Sacred Incense Blending for Beloveds
One day back in 2018 I was asked to create an engagement ceremony for a lovely couple visiting Glastonbury from Germany. The ‘Groom to Be’ planned a surprise proposal to his beloved on the Tor and he wanted a ritual to complete the magical experience of his beloveds ‘YES’ to the question in hand. I suggested an incense blending ceremony for the couple to…

Tying the Marriage Knot
Traditionally in Celtic Handfastings the marriage knot is used to bind the beloveds hands together with ribbons or cords, hence the saying ‘Tyng the knot’. The Sacred Celebrant at SCA learns the handfasting ceremony with the visually stunning and powerful ritual of the hoop & wand method…

In the Name of Love
Question: What happens on the etheric plains of this strange existence when one invokes the beloved to become present? We still know so very little of the unchartered landscapes of the human soul, especially when it comes to love, it’s all encompassing energies, capabilities and frequencies…

Samhain and the Passing Over Ceremony
Here at the Academy in Glastonbury we had a deeply intensive weekend on the 'Way of the Sacred Celebrant’ training. As this is the season of Samhain, which is an ancient Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest year and the beginning of Winter, it is also an ancient tradition of honouring our beloved dead the and ancestors…

A Beltane Handfasting
Here in Glastonbury, our home base of the Sacred Celebrants Academy, we have been celebrating the ancient rites of the Beltane festival. Beltane is the celebration of love, fertility in the land and nature, of the Goddess Rhiannon and the marriage of the May Queen and King…