The Invocation of the Heart a Ceremonial Rite of Passage for Couples
Gregg Kinsell & Dawn Kinsella
Question: What happens on the etheric planes of this strange existence when one invokes the beloved to become present? We still know so very little of the unchartered landscapes of the human soul, especially when it comes to love, it’s all encompassing energies, capabilities and frequencies. One thing is clear, love is the most mysterious force of nature that we experience here on earth, one that we all try constantly to connect and re-connect too time and time again with in many forms, love of the self, of spiritual love, love of the beloved, of family, and friendship
I have long been an advocate of the study of quantum mechanics and the fascinating subject of how subtle energies create and affect the world around us. Every single one of us is made of energy, and this energy is turned into vibrations. A thought or intention creates an energy output that makes changes in our environment, we literally manifest what we want or even don’t want…That we ourselves are the God/dess force and that there is no existential deity that is responsible for our reality. What I eventually realised was the more I worked with couples and heard their stories of how they first met,… was that something happened long before the meeting itself happens, often long before knowing of the beloveds existence.
And so in 2016, after conducting many Pagan weddings and working with couples energies I channeled the ceremony known as the Invocation of the Heart song, which became part of the wedding ceremonial content at Goddess Temple Weddings. I now teach this important ritual as part of the Sacred Celebrant Training. The heart invocation is a mysterious song of loves yearning that is irresistible to beloveds as they begin to move towards the day of their first meeting.
Once met, there is often a sense of recognition or familiarity between them, as I have often heard in my years of working with couples. In 2019 I experienced the same when I completely recognized my beloved Gregg Kinsell the moment he walked into the Goddess House Healing Temple. The invocation of the heart is a harmonic resonance that reaches across time and dimensions. We have become inseparable ever since and continue to develop our spiritual work and grow together.
In our upcoming year long training ‘The Priestess Ceremonialist’ we shall be be diving even deeper into this ceremonial rite of passage for couples work with Ceremonial Sacred Sound techniques.