Jo is a Sacred Celebrant, Transitional Guide and Ritual Healer. Yoga, Meditation and Sacred Dance teacher, serving people in community through life transitions for over 30 years..
A certified Sacred Celebrant here with us at SCA, Jo is devoted to paths of Sacred Intention through Ceremony, Ritual and Dance. Jo will be holding the “‘In Person’ How to Hold a Death Café.
A qualified Yoga and Meditation teacher with The British Wheel of Yoga, and a passionate Sacred Dance teacher. With a Degree in Adult Education, a Certificate in Counselling, and currently studying Eldership in the Community, welcoming all voices with the aim of bringing individuals, organisations, and communities together, to learn from one another with the experience and research of observational studies and mental health in community.
Jo grounds herself, her teachings, and her practices in the values of love, compassion, honour, courage, respect, loyalty, truth, and vulnerability.