Sally Ingle is an independent wedding, naming and funeral celebrant and ceremonialist with several years’ experience conducting civil and pagan ceremonies. She has her own company, Soul Connection Ceremonies. Her passion is creating ceremonies that combine the traditional with the sacred - contemporary ceremonies popular with couples and families who are wanting something different to a traditional ceremony. Understanding the important part rituals play in a ceremony, Sally helps guide through the process of creating something different by weaving in spiritual elements according to individual beliefs and comfort zones. Sally is happiest when surrounded by nature, specializing in outdoor ceremonies. 

Sally has worked with some amazing funeral directors conducting ceremonies in crematorium chapels, at the burial sites in cemeteries and natural burial grounds.  As an independent funeral celebrant, she has also created ceremonies for memorials, internment of ashes and ceremonies after direct cremation.. Holding an NVQ Diplomas in Weddings, Namings and Funeral Celebrancy, she is a qualified Sacred Celebrant, having completed her training with Sacred Celebrants Academy.  She also holds teaching, training and assessing qualifications and has over 20 years’ corporate training experience in customer service.. Sally has lived in the UK since 2005, having grown up in Australia, and has also travelled extensively. On a lifelong spiritual journey of self-development through study and travel, Sally believes that when you leave the familiar behind and plunge into the unknown it shows a commitment to understanding other people and the complexities of the world around us, respecting differences and tolerating the beliefs of others..


Most recently Sally has qualified as a Reiki practitioner.