Apply NowApplication Form for the Sacred Ceremonialist Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Date Of Birth * MM DD YYYY Occupation * Please fill out the following questions as fully as possible so that your tutor can get a sense of who you are. Sacred Celebrants Academy will hold all the information given in total confidence. Why Do You Wish To Participate In This Training? * What Are Your Expectations & Goals In This Training? * Have you recently or in your past undergone any kind of therapy work for depression? * Yes No What experience do you have working with the public in a therapist/ group leader/retreat leader or ceremonial capacity? * All training is transformative and energetic; it is important for the tutor to know of any mental & physical conditions which may affect your learning experience. Answering these questions enables us to ensure your safe participation within the group and to recognise those times when it may be wiser to observe rather than to participate. It is a requirement for you to inform us of your needs so that we may accommodate you correctly. All information held in total confidence. Is there any further information about yourself or any health conditions we may need to know about? Please read the terms and conditions below and check "agree" once you have read and agreed to these terms. By clicking "agree" you are entering a legal agreement with SCA. 1. A course place is only secured on the acceptance of a completed application form and receipt of a non-refundable deposit. If, for any reason, a student is not accepted the deposit will be refunded. 2. To complete the course students are expected to complete each of the seven day intensive training program. Failure to do so may result in a student being asked to leave the course. In exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the tutor, due consideration may be given to the student. 3. Course fees are to be paid in full no later than two weeks prior to the course start date 4. Payment by instalments is available. A non-refundable deposit of £250 followed by consecutive payments instalments which must be settled in full before commencement of the course start date. There is a one off admin fee of £30 for this option 5. Upon commencement of the course no refund of course fees will be applicable 6. Students are responsible for their own well-being always and must inform the tutor of any matters affecting their health for the duration of the course 7. The course tutor reserves the right to ask the student to leave the course. 8. All students shall respect the other course participants irrespective of race, religious or spiritual belief, sexual orientation, gender, disability and age. 9. Confidentiality provides privacy and safety within the group. Whilst there is no automatic presumption that all information given is confidential, students must work within the guideline that all personal information about group members is confidential. 10. If difficulties arise with another student, then the student must call upon the tutor for mediation and resolution. 11. Hypnosis techniques and Past Life Regression hypnosis are used by Dawn Kinsella and Joanne Britton during this course. Both are fully qualified hypnotherapists and Integral Eye Movement (IEMT) therapists. Joanne Britton is a qualified trauma counsellor. There are support mechanisms in place should the student have any kind of trauma or reaction during the course. Students are offered post training support by appointment if needed, or referred to an appropriate therapist. 12. To apply for this training the student must be very clear regarding any medications being taken and or any mental health issues. 13.Basic Hypnotherapy techniques are taught to all students during this course. This is not a Hypnotherapy practitioners’ course, and the Ceremonialist is not licensed to practice as a hypnotherapist in the name of SCA to treat the public. 13. We offer you post training support/ supervision, to assist you to hold groups/ retreats/ clients. This is offered to all students for a period of three months post. * I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the Sacred Celebrants Academy’s course booking terms, conditions and boundaries and that the above information I have given is true and correct. I hereby state that I will not hold or claim against Sacred Celebrants Academy, or any of its tutors for any damages assumed or otherwise for any conditions, be it emotional, mental, spiritual, physical or financial, relating to my training with the Sacred Celebrants Academy. Agree Today's Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!